Halt the destruction of the Danube’s most valuable wetlands – Sign Petition now!
Dear colleagues, dear friends!
Danube’s most valuable and best preserved natural river stretch along its entire 2,850 kilometers length is threatened with destruction: the "Kopački Rit" on Croatia’s border with Serbia. A major project to regulate this unique region is currently in the final stage of decision. If the project becomes reality, the natural Danube will be transformed into a monotonous canal, with fatal consequences for its wildlife: The white-tailed eagle, the black stork and the Danube sturgeon would be in severe danger of extinction.
These threatening regulations are contradicting both EU law and international environmental standards. Mirela Holy, the Croatian Minister for Environment and Nature Protection, is able to stop these destructive plans. Help us saving the Danube and sign the petition to the minister on www.amazon-of-europe.com now!The more people take action the better is our chance to save the Danube.
Thank you for your support!
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